Thursday, September 3, 2009

Today's Freshly Cut Beef: Religion

A touchy subject indeed....

I'm sure all of you, at one point or another, have asked yourselves the question; what is our purpose, here? Of course it has to be taken as a rhetorical question because nobody can really answer that... yet, the most common answer is... to be pure, and be good so eventually we can get into heaven.

Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous? Please, somebody explain to me where we went wrong. Religion is a product of man. Not of (and I use the term lightly) "God". God, in fact, is a product of man.

Religion makes a mockery of the idea of free thinking. You are told what to think, what to believe, what to do, how to feel. The only real freedom anybody has in this world, is the freedom of choice. When you take that away, what do we have left? Absolutely nothing. The human condition is an unfortunate thing. When you group the masses and incite a panic, you can get people to do anything you want.

Don't draw your conclusion yet. I am not an Atheist. I was raised Catholic, but I am now Agnostic. Agnostic (if you didn't already know) simply means that I do not believe in organized religion, but it presents the idea that there could still be a greater power. As a child, there were many situations I had been put in where I felt there was nobody I could turn to other than god, so I prayed, and prayed, and prayed... of course you know where this is going already. Nobody answered. Not god, not Jesus, nobody.

My beef with religion is that it is THE root to every war on this earth, in one way or another. It incites violence, hate, predgidism, terror, and greed. Man should not profit from faith, nor should man be murdered because of his faith. Religion is a savage hypocrisy. It preaches love and compassion, but breeds hate and genocide. Of course you can argue; "Well you can't hold Religion responsible for a few radicals who took it too far." and yes, you are right... but that brings us back to the "Human Condition". No matter what you say, or do, it won't stop.

I urge everybody to go out there and do the research. Read up on the origins of Mormon, Scientology etc. It's a joke. A ridiculous joke, turned to reality, to reap the rewards from peasants and the feeble minded, and unfortunately, the majority of the populous is feeble minded.

Take a minute to stop and think. Just off the top of your head, stop and try to count all of the Religions you can think of in your head. Now, every single one of those Religions will try and tell you that, if you don't follow that SPECIFIC faith, you will burn in Hell (another product of man, along with Satan). Next question; ask yourself "So, if only one of these religions can be right (which seems to be the case) which one is it?". There is no answer. There will never be. The answers, are in your mind. The very place that religion doesn't want you to poke around, because if even for one second, you start to doubt what they're telling you, that's strike three for them.

Religion wants you to tie yourself to one specific faith and discredit all others immediately. Stop and think about that. Explore your options. Don't be bound by one faith. Build your own. Take the time to think. Don't answer all of life's questions with one answer. Pick the ones that best suit your lifestyle.

All I'm saying is, stop doing what everybody else wants you to do. Stop doing what everybody expects you to do. Live your own life. Not the life that somebody lived 2000 years ago. Be an individual in this sea of carbon copies. Ultimately, man will be its' own downfall. Don't contribute to it. If you need something to hold on to, and something to have faith in, have faith in mankind. Have faith, that maybe one day ALL of this can change.

It can, but only if we can open our minds up to change.

If it fits, it's Fitz.

1 comment:

  1. Fitz, I actually like this a lot. Religion is just dumb. Whatever we belive in, its still a higher power, I won't say "God" cause hes just the catholic/christian form, also its such a vague name too, Greeks had Gods and those Gods/Goddess had names. Why can't Jesus' father have a name, and we have to call him "God"
